Thursday, May 31, 2012



          Imagine playing if everyone in the world played the violin. People would have to try extra hard to be successful.People would also have be extremely competitive. Even though there are a small number of violinist out there, violinist are still very competitive and determined to strive to become the best. This is one of the reasons why starting a career as a violinist is so difficult.

Role of the Violin

          The role of the violin is  crucial in an orchestra. According to soundjunction, "the violin is the melody in an orchestra. The violin also plays the highest notes. First violins are known as the leaders in  an orchestra." That is why I chose to play the violin; it plays an important part in an orchestra.


Commitment to Playing the Violin

         Deciding to play the violin is the easy part; being committed to playing the violin is what's difficult. on the website sfcv, ninety nine percent of people who choose to play the violin will quit. "If the violinist is younger, they will most likely quit because of schoolwork and stress." professional violinists make playing the violin fun and effortless. That's also why violinists might quit. Learning the violin isn't fun, being able to play the violin is fun. Unfortunately, many people will never know that because they quit before they try.

Learning to Play

          Some people might not want to play the violin because it looks complicated and because it looks like it will take a while to learn it. Playing the violin actually isn't as difficult as it looks because on infobarrel, it states that it takes the average person about two months or more to learn to play the violin depending on how fast you learn the notes and finger placements. so if you have a good teacher, you'll be able to learn how to play the violin in a pretty short amount of time. If it only takes about two months to learn how to play, playing the violin not be as difficult and grueling as you might think.

Becoming A Violinst

          Violinists who enjoy playing the violin and would like to make a career out of it would often start out by auditioning to be in  a professional orchestra. Very few actually make it. There are a linited amount of musicians in an orchestra and unless you are extremely talented you probably won't be able to get into an orchestra. when you actually get into a professional orchestra, you have to practice vigorously to keep your spot in the orchestra. If you start to lack in skills, the company might choose to drop you.

          When becoming a professional violinist you have to make sure your slary covers all of your living exoenses. According to the website ehow , lower level orchestral players make between $40,000 to $60,000 a year. Top playersmake between $65,000 to $154,000 a year. Some violinists have to get part time jobs to cover all of their expenses. Unless you are extremely skilled at playing the violin, you might not make enough to earn a comfortable living.

          Starting a career as a violinist can be tricky since there isn't a guarantee that you're going to get employed. On the website ehow, it states that while pursuing a career as a violinist, you should start out young. You should also study at a music conservatory or college. To get into an orchestra, you will need to attend auditions. Make sure to keep your day job in case things don't work out. You need to be enamored with music in order to be successful and make sure to partice daily!


          As you can see, violins are not as sophisticated as you might think. It might look complex, but it really isn't. If you're patient and dedicated, it'll only take a couple of months to learn to play the violin. In this article, it states that becoming a violinist is still extremely challenging. There are countless violinists in  the world and if you aren't dedicated to playing the violins you'll most likely not be able to start a career as a violinist. So when you are contemplating whether you want to be a violinist or not, keep in mind that only successful violinist make enough money to support themselves. Violinists of minor orchestras most likely have several jobs because of their low salary.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This video is about the world's most expensive instrument.

This is a picture of the worlds most expensive violin. (Vieuxtemps Guarneri)


This is a picture of a professional orchestra.